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 Computers » Programming » Languages » ML » Implementations


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SML/NJ is a compiler and programming environment for SML, with associated libraries, tools, documents. Descriptions, news, downloads (Unix, Windows), literature lists, FAQs, links, contacts. [Open Source, Lucent]


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Whole program optimizing compiler for Standard ML.


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Standard ML full implementation: compiler and environment, has libraries for MS Windows, X Window. [Open Source]


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 4 - Extended ML Browse Website open in new window
EML is a framework for specification and formal development of Standard ML programs. Description, publications, tool support, education resources.


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Standard ML compiler.


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 6 - Moscow ML Browse Website open in new window
ML system for DOS, Linux, Windows.


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Conservative ML extension, has type system to enrich ML with restricted form of dependent types, to allow many interesting program properties: memory safety, termination can be captured in type system and thus be verified while compiling. Description,...


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SML to Java bytecode compiler, based on Persimmon's MLj.


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TIL-Two compiler; goal: make compiler for ML-family languages (SML'97, Caml Special Light, KML) that uses types throughout compiling to emit better code without losing safety or correctness; joint effort with Carnegie Mellon. Descriptions, papers, peo...


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 10 - TILT Compiler Browse Website open in new window
Self-checking Standard ML compiler, uses Typed Intermediate Languages; while compiling, types are translated with code, type-checking occurs to check compile results; funded by NSF. Descriptions, license, mail list, downloads, links. Carnegie Mellon.


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