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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Lua » Tools

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Uses Lua as server-side scripting language to make dynamic Webpages. Supports pure Lua scripts and HTML templates, which can be handled via CGI, FastCGI, mod_lua, ISAPI, and other APIs.


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 2 - Kepler Project Browse Website open in new window
Lua Web development platform, has CGILua, LuaSQL, and other libraries, open source and binary distributions.


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 3 - LuaForge Browse Website open in new window
Hosts over 200 open source projects, over 500 registered users; much of the Lua community is here; GForge installation; free repository for project management, categorization, issue tracking; descriptions, news, downloads, links, site statistics.


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Just-in-time (JIT) compiler for Lua. [Open source, MIT/X license]


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 5 - LuaSocket Browse Website open in new window
Lua extension library; gives support for TCP and UDP transport layers within Lua.


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Simplifies integrating C/C++ code with Lua, automatically generates binding code to access C/C++ features from Lua; maps C/C++ constants, external variables, functions, classes, and methods to Lua, via Lua API and tag method facilities. Freeware.


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Lua binding to OpenGL graphics API and GLUI OpenGL widget set. Open source, GPL.


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A Lua IDE and graphical debugger with source code control (SCC) support, syntax highlighting.


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Project integrates Lua with Common Language Infrastructure, a framework for language interoperability.


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Library to make bindings between C++ and Lua; description, manual, links. Rasterbar Software. Open source, MIT license.


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