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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Logic-based

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As part of a survey of information on artificial intelligence this section on logic programming is provided.


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Clear explanation of logic programming and merits of declarative languages.


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Department of Computer and Information Science, Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. Home of the 2LP Language, runs on Linux, RS6000, SGI, Solaris, SunOS, Windows; download yours now. Free. Cool logo.


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Resulting from the Exbed project, this general-purpose programming language supports data abstraction and rule-based programming and is based on but is not a formal extension of CLU.


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A pure, minimal but extensible, logic-programming/specification language with meta-language capability is described. The paradigm involved explicitly separates declarative specification from ensuing transformation.


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This web page of conferences and workshops that have an overlap with logic in computer science is maintained by the LICS organization. The first half of the page is an incomplete list of dates, some tentative and some fixed, for upcoming meetings of s...


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