Constraint-logic programming language based on LF Logical Framework; a uniform meta-language for specifying, implementing, and proving properties of programming languages and logics that is implemented as an interpreter in Standard ML.
Working group (22457: CCL II) in the ESPRIT Basic Research program of European Union, successor project of working group CCL I: people, teams, workshop and conference, summer school, bibliography, archive, annual reports, mail list, systems.
A constraint describes a relation to maintain; it states what the relationship is versus how to maintain it. In many uses (interactive graphics, planning, document formatting, decision support), one must express preferences (soft constraints), and str...
Constraint logic programming (CLP) based language. Backtracking, advanced data types (including "Bignum") and data structures. IDE/Compiler for Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP.
Compares efficiency of 8 Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) systems in the setting of finite domains, and a specific aspect of their expressiveness: that concerning reification and meta-constraints.
Implementation of general Constraint Logic Programming scheme introduced by Jaffar, Michaylov 1987. As full as other CLP(R)s: solves linear equations over rational or real valued variables, and covers lazy treatment of nonlinear equations.