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 Computers » Programming » Languages » JavaScript » Scripts

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JavaScript to display photo albums with many customizable options.


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Free Javascript scripts includes stop watch, timer, domain and email validation script, date functions, alphanumeric validation function.


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 23 - VietIMEW Browse Website open in new window
Provides an input method editor to convert chars from latin alphabet to vietnamese.


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 24 - ColorPop Browse Website open in new window
A pop-up color picker control for use on web pages.


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 25 - Prototip Browse Website open in new window
Allows to create simple and complex tooltips with the Prototype framework and to emphasize them with Script.aculo.us.


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 26 - markItUp Browse Website open in new window
Offers a jquery plugin to turn textareas to markup editors with the support of HTML, Textile, Wiki Syntax, Markdown and BBCode.


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 27 - Xmenu-xlayer Browse Website open in new window
A versatile, Javascript driven DHTML menu that works on most popular browsers. It comes in 3 basic modes: vertical, horizontal or collapsing and folds/unfolds on clicks or mouseovers. [Open source, LGPL]


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Makes it look like snow is falling down the screen. [Freeware]


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 29 - xMDB Viewer Browse Website open in new window
Provides an open-source movie collection viewer.


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An event driven DHTML JavaScript Calendar that displays dates and events in typical wall calendar format.


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