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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Fortran » Tools » Automatic Differentiation

 Web Pages    1 - 8   of   8

 1 - Tapenade Browse Website open in new window
With focus on Parallelization and Differentiation of scientific software, Tapenade is an online Automatic Differentiation Engine for Fortran programs developed by the TROPICS team at INRIA, France. Along with extensive documentation, description and r...


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Given code as input, it generates code for derivatives including gradients and hessians.


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The project, developed at the RWTH Aachen University, Germany, aims to put automatic differentiation into the commercial NAGWare Fortran compiler. The AD compiler is available upon request from the author.


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 4 - TAPENADE Browse Website open in new window
An automatic differentiation engine which processes FORTRAN 77, Fortran 95, and C code and generates forward (tangent) and reverse (adjoint) differentiated programs.


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Given a function coded in Fortran, GRAD produces Fortran code to compute the derivatives with respect to specified variables (i.e. the GRADient). The MS DOS binaries can be downloaded freely.


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 6 - AUTO_DERIV Browse Website open in new window
Tool for automatic differentiation of Fortran code. Fortran source is available for download for non-commercial applications.


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Modelling language to generate Fortran-code for function and gradient evaluation, developed at the University of Bayreuth, Germany. Site contains a short description and references to publications. The tool is available upon request.


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An arbitrary-order auto-differentiation module for Fortran 95. It overloads operators and Fortran intrinsics to act correctly on an object of defined type taylor, which encodes a function along with its first few derivatives with respect to several va...


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