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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Fortran » Source Code » Ordinary Differential Equations

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The code GAM numerically solves solves first order ordinary differential equations, either stiff or nonstiff in the form y'=f(x, y), with a given initial condition. The code GAMD is a generalization of GAM for the solution of Differential Algebraic Eq...


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Test sets, solvers and links for Initial Value Problems for ODEs.


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Codes for ordinary differential equations from Netlib.


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Fortran 77 package for bifurcation, continuation and stability analysis.


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Fortran 77 code implementing a variable order-variable stepsize method for (stiff) initial value problems for ODEs. The order of the method varies from 4 to 14, according to a suitable order variation strategy.


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Serial Fortran Solvers for ODE initial value problems.


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Code for Initial Value and Boundary Value Problems.


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Fortran 77 subroutine written by Hull, Enright and Jackson for the numerical solution of systems of initial value problems for ordinary differential equations.


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Code from the Institute of Numerical Mathematics of Martin Luther University.


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