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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Fortran » Source Code » Linear Algebra » Sparse

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Fortran 90 package for solving linear systems of equations of the form A*x = b, where the matrix A is sparse and can be either unsymmetric, symmetric positive definite, or general symmetric. Released in the public domain. Includes documentation, relat...


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General purpose Fortran library by Yousef Saad for sparse matrix computations.


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Code for sparse linear equations (symmetric or general) and sparse least squares, and updating a dense square factorization L C = U.


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Comprised of four numerical (iterative) methods for computing the singular value decomposition (SVD) of large sparse matrices using double precision Fortran 77.


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Solves large and sparse linear systems using iterative techniques based on generalized conjugate gradient type methods. Free software released under the GNU General Public License.


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Fortran 77 code for sparse matrix multiplication, transposition, and format conversion.


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Provides computational kernels for fundamental sparse matrix operations.


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Fortran 77 code that solves sparse systems of linear algebraic equations by Gaussian elimination.


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Code by Yousef Saad and Jun Zhang to solve general sparse linear systems by using Krylov subspace methods preconditioned by some multi-level block ILU (BILUM) preconditioning techniques.


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Collection of Fortran 77 subroutines for solving large sparse linear systems by adaptive accelerated iterative algorithms.


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