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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Fortran » Libraries


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Libraries, compilers, tools, information, software for statistics, visualization, symbolic calculation, simulation.


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A high quality "building block" routines for performing basic vector and matrix operations. Level 1 BLAS do vector-vector operations, Level 2 BLAS do matrix-vector operations, and Level 3 BLAS do matrix-matrix operations.


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Set of optimized, thread-safe mathematical functions for engineering, scientific and financial applications requiring high performance. The functional areas of the library include the BLAS and LAPACK Libraries, Discrete Fourier Transforms, Vector Math...


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A mathematical and statistical library produced by Visual Numerics.


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A collection of linear algebra routines with an improved interface which exploits Fortran 95 features such as assumed-shape arrays, optional arguments, and generic interfaces. Includes source code, documentation, and related papers.


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A software library containing over 1400 general purpose mathematical and statistical routines written in Fortran 77.


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Source code and documentation for libraries in the areas of geophysical science, Fast Fourier Transforms, separable elliptic PDEs, interpolation, Legendre polynomials, spherical harmonics, general mathematics, eigensystem solvers, linear equation solv...


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 8 - Math a la Carte Browse Website open in new window
Collections of mathematical software in Fortan and C. Software is free for some uses and can be purchased for others. Much of the software was developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.


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Fortran program to simulate the transient performance of thermal energy systems.


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Collection of interpolators and approximators for one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and three-dimensional data, callable from Fortran and C.


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