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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Delphi » Tools


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 1 - Doc-O-Matic Browse Website open in new window
A tool for creating fully cross linked documentation systems and manuals in PDF, HTML, HTML Help, Windows Help and RTF.


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A tool which to investigate Delphi and C++ Builder applications during them are running. [Freeware and commercial versions]


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Create help system for Delphi source code. It can be generated as popular Help formats (HLP and CHM) so printed documentation in PDF format.


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DelphiCodeToDoc is a free documentation system for Delphi. It uses information about source code symbols and formatted comments in files to produce accurate documentation from application and component.


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 5 - HyperDelphi Browse Website open in new window
Online converter Delphi source code to readable HTML code.


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Automatic generation of documentation on Delphi projects from the source code (HTML, (old) Windows Help, LaTeX, PDF and export to XMI) and creating of diagrams. [Open source, GPL]


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A C/C++/BCB to Object Pascal (Delphi/Kylix) translator. [Open Source, GPL]


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Cyamon's Discover is a coverage test tool for Delphi to detect unexecuted code.


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 9 - AutoFlowchart Browse Website open in new window
A tool to generate flowchart from source code C, C++, VC++(Visual C++ .NET), Delphi(Object Pascal). Its flowchart can expand and shrink. Also in VCL component version with FlowchartImage name. [Commercial]


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