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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Delphi » Personal Pages

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Many useful freeware Delphi components with source code


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 2 - Cantu, Marco Browse Website open in new window
Author books: Mastering Delphi 6, Essential Pascal (free), Essential Delphi (free). Site have sources, table of contents from its). Also articles.


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 3 - Icecube's Keep Browse Website open in new window
Some tutorials/projects on editing the Windows registry with Delphi, interface design, client-server models, and author's programmes. Also mathematics, writings, music sections.


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Delphi components, programs, units with sources including DelphiMania unit, and Delphi crossword and crossword components. Georgian beer page. Zoom3D (3D modeling, visualization, animation, software design) section.


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Delpgi and C++ Builder articles, components, links, CGI scripts, miscellaneous laptop information, list of author published articles, web utilities.


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 6 - David Mayne Browse Website open in new window
Free Delphi and C++ code including CardTable class/unit enabling the easy and quick creation of card games.


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Carlos Barbosa Homepage mainly dedicated to Borland Delphi with several freeware and shareware components


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 8 - Muller, Thomas Browse Website open in new window
A collection of articles on Delphi techniques, some programs for download. Some articles only in German language.


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Papers, source code projects, training services for the Delphi developers. The delphi code of the 23 samples in the Gang Of Four book "Design Patterns".


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Mix of open source and freeware applications written in Delphi, includes Kitty Remote a Winamp plugin, source code control system and card games.


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