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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Delphi » Databases » Components

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   25 Back to Components Home 

 11 - Etv Library Browse Website open in new window
Components for rapid DB applications development. Powerful lookup components, enhanced DBGrid, query and filter builder and sorting datasets.


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 12 - Diamond Access Browse Website open in new window
Set of Delphi components, that provide high-speed performance when working with Microsoft's Access databases. Diamond Access uses Data Access Objects 3.5 (DAO) to work directly with a Jet engine, providing fastest possible interface to the Access data...


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A .Net provider for direct access to ASE for Delphi for .Net 8 and C# Builder.


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Allow create compact data-aware programs which doesn't need any Installer programs. The code to access your Database is compiled in your project executable file. It take only a few kilobyte in your exe file and doesn't need any other file to run. [Ope...


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ODBC Data Access Components (DAC) and DbExpress Driver for SAP DB. By Softvector Company. [Commercial]


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Delphi components and AS/400 software.


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Allows you to change all the properties of the Microsoft Access DSN types. By G. Wilson and Associates. [Commercial; D4, D5]


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A component for Delphi provides a convenient way to write custom exctended procedures for MS SQL Server. [Commercial]


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An encapsulation of the CodeBase Database Engine into a series of Delphi and C++ Builder VCL components.


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A direct descendant of Borland's TADODataSet component. It works around several bugs, extends some features of TCustomADODataSet. Also it introduces new features not surfaced in TADODataSet. By Vassil Nazarov.


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