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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Cg


Shading Languages (11)  

 Web Pages    1 - 7   of   7

 1 - Cg Toolkit 1.5 Browse Website open in new window
nVidia's Cg SDK. Includes latest releases, specifications, documentation, tutorials and sample code.


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 2 - Wikipedia: Cg Browse Website open in new window
A brief history, description of Cg data types and sample code.


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CodSampler's list of OpenGL sample code, including many examples of Cg shaders.


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3Ddrome's Cg Tutorial. Includes an introduction and sample code.


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Whitepaper on the portable Cg shader language. Includes an abstract, background, design goals, and architecture.


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 6 - Cg for Linux Browse Website open in new window
Sample code and rendered examples of Cg using nVidia's Linux SDK. Includes standard examples such as bump mapping, refraction, grass, water and sprites.


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 7 - Cg In Two Pages Browse Website open in new window
Mark Kilgard's quick guide on using the Cg shading language. Explains data types, vectors and comparisons with C and C++.


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