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 Computers » Programming » Internet » Sockets » Components and Libraries


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Libwww is a highly modular, general-purpose client side Web API written in C for Unix and Windows (Win32).


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HTTrack is a free (libre/open source) and easy-to-use offline browser utility. Source code is available for Windows and Linux/Unix/BSD.


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Netwib provides client, server and most functions needed by network programs.


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A simple alternative to the STL plus portable multithreading and networking. Compiles under modern Unix and Windows systems. [Open-source, zlib-like license]


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Sockets library for UNIX platforms that looks much like regular C-style i/o. [Open Source, Free]


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Object-oriented Internet library for Xbase++. Includes classes for TCP/IP socket communications, HTTP, SOAP, SMTP, POP3, FTP. [Commercial]


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PINPI is a programming interface based on an all-purpose platform independent networking protocol and data format (SDXF, the Structured Data eXchange Format)for use to realize client/server (or similar) applications.


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 8 - ProstoServer Browse Website open in new window
Universal library for building high-performance TCP servers running under Microsoft Windows.


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EzSocket provide an easy way to write server and client programs that make use of stream sockets. [Open source, LGPL]


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