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 Computers » Programming » Internet » Resources

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   27 Back to Resources Home 

 11 - USINGIT.COM Browse Website open in new window
Javascripts, Java applets and servlets, CGI scripts for webmasters.


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 12 - Viewsource.dk Browse Website open in new window
Java applets, ASP, DHTML and JavaScripts available for download. Also articles and tutorials.


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 13 - The Code Library Browse Website open in new window
A collection of ASP, JavaScript, CSS, DHTML, HTML sources and tips.


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 14 - Hawkfield.Tech Browse Website open in new window
Resources on ASP and PHP programming, the Google searchengine and about Domainnames in general. Includes tips and tricks to improve website.


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 15 - Dev Articles Browse Website open in new window
Articles, books and e-books for ASP, ASP.NET, C#, Cold Fusion, Flash, HTML, JavaScript, MySQL, PHP, SQL Server, XML. Also scripts.


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Quick references, demos, products, tutorials, and help resources focusing on VBScript, JavaScript, ECMAScript, JScript, ASP, JetSQL, and Style Sheets.


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 17 - Squeek Machine Browse Website open in new window
Web developer and Internet resources. Books, links and code examples.


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A small selection of demos and articles showcasing current trends on the WWW - Web Services, Microsoft ASP.NET, and Flash.


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 19 - Global Develop Browse Website open in new window
Tutorials, forums and links on ASP, SwishMax, Swish and HTML. Downloads.


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A resource to find out about the technology that drives the open source movement such as mySQL, Apache, Perl, and PHP.


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