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 Computers » Programming » Internet » Cookies

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Specifies a way to create a stateful session with Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) requests and responses. It describes three new headers which carry state information between participating origin servers and user agents. Obsoletes RFC 2109.


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The official specification of HTTP cookies. Obsoleted by RFC 2965.


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Information and links on cookies from basic background information, to articles, technical specifications, and privacy issues from consumer groups. By Rajiv Shah.


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 4 - Cookie Central Browse Website open in new window
A resource on Internet cookies, including what they are, how to block or stop them.


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A list of frequently asked questions with answers. Covers cookie fundamentals, cookie creation, cookie retrieval, and other advanced topics. By David Whalen / Cookie Central.


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Learn how Internet cookies work, see an example, and understand what all the media uproar is about.


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An internet resource about deleting cookies with more resources and information about cookies.


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