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 Computers » Programming » Graphics » Personal Pages

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   15

 1 - Elias, Hugo Browse Website open in new window
In-depth computer graphics programming articles and examples. Reviews of graphics/programming and other books. Links.


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 2 - Forbes, Kevin Browse Website open in new window
Research info, downloadable graphics/vision source code, and personal home page.


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Several introductory OpenGL and Diretc3D samples, with many written in both for comparison. More advanced samples emphasis vertex and pixel shader development using nVIDIA's new Cg language.


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Tutorials on C++, Java, Photoshop, 3DMax, Visual Basic.NET, HTML.


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A collection of reference and tutorial pages relating to RenderMan, Maya/mel, Pixar slim, Houdini, Tcl, Shake scripting and C. Also provides a free text editor for Linux, Win and OSX.


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 6 - Doucette, Jason Browse Website open in new window
Resume. Game, Artificial Intelligence projects. Real time software rendered computer graphic and demo effects. Screen shots, free samples and downloads.


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A group of computer-enthusiasts oriented to audiovisual production using low level and realtime techniques such as OpenGL or 3dfx mainly with Macintosh, Windows, Linux and BeOS.


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 8 - Gruaz, Raphael Browse Website open in new window
Offers CV, projects (DirectX, Vertex Shader, Raytracing, C++, Java, Web), information on travels, and photos.


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Real-time deep-ocean waves simulation. Rendering using vertex and pixels shaders. Portfolio.


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Repository of 3D models. VRML tutorial. Algorithms, projects and papers.


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