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 Computers » Programming » Graphics » Libraries

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Includes list of graphics libraries (to create and manipulate graphics), 3d and 2d engines.


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 12 - Bar Code DLLs Browse Website open in new window
Create high quality, device independent, Windows MetaFile graphics. Includes programming examples and free bar code tutorial.


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Image import, storage, manipulation and output library for X.


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A free graphics library still in development.


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Real time image compression library which handles a wide range of standard formats.


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 16 - Image Enable Browse Website open in new window
Design imaging applications and image-enable document management systems quickly and effectively with an Eroiica API.


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AMD ElanSC400 native graphics mode can now easily be implemented in C++ and C programs using this library. Source code included.


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 18 - SineMaker Browse Website open in new window
A toolkit for the development of games, demos or other graphic related programs with Visual Basic.


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An application to design NURBS curves and surfaces. It can also be used as an NURBS library, providing an API that could be used by other applications.


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A font library for use with SDL which uses variable width bitmap fonts.


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