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 Computers » Programming » Graphics » Libraries » OpenGL » Add-on Libraries » GLUT

 Web Pages    1 - 5   of   5

 1 - GLUT for Win32 Browse Website open in new window
The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT), originally written by Mark Kilgard, ported to Win32.


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 2 - freeglut Browse Website open in new window
Open source implementation of GLUT with source and binary backwards compatibility.


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 3 - OpenGLUT Browse Website open in new window
OpenGLUT is an open source project to evolve the GLUT API.


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Open source C++ GUI library for OpenGL programs, based on GLUT.


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GLUT (pronounced like the glut in gluttony) is the OpenGL Utility Toolkit, a window system independent toolkit for writing OpenGL programs. It implements a simple windowing application programming interface (API) for OpenGL. GLUT makes it considerably...


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