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 Computers » Programming » Graphics » Libraries » File Formats


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 1 - FreeImage Browse Website open in new window
Open Source library project for developers who would like to support popular graphics image formats like PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF.


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 2 - paintlib Browse Website open in new window
Portable library of image file decoders. Supports PNG, TGA, TIFF, JPEG/JFIF, BMP, and Mac PICT formats. Full C++ source provided.


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A library to convert microsoft WMF file format to something useful, currently bindings exist to convert them to onscreen X graphics, to the GIF and to FIG.


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Image toolkit for DOS, Win16, and Win32 supporting TIFF, LZW, PackBits, GIF, JPEG, lossy, PCX, PNG, TGA, Targa, BMP, DIB, BIF, raw data, bitmap, TWAIN, scanning, image processing, and printing. (Source code is available, but this is a commercial library.)


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C++ multiplatform GPL library for handling DICOM files (medical images) and JPEG files.


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