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 Computers » Programming » Graphics » Algorithms and Data Structures » Collision Detection » Software

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An implementation of the Lin-Canny algorithm for computing the distance between two closed polyhedra. Source available for noncommercial use.


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 2 - I_COLLIDE Browse Website open in new window
An interactive and exact collision-detection library for convex polyhedra. Includes the source code (free for noncommercial use), relevant papers, and an MPEG demonstration.


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LGPL standard C++ library for interactive collision detection, based on axis-aligned bounding box trees.


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An implementation of the Gilbert, Johnson, and Keerthi (GJK) algorithm for tracking the distance between a pair of convex polyhedra. Source available for nonprofit use.


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A numerically robust library supporting general polygon soups, based on oriented bounding box (OBB) trees. The source is available for noncommercial use via email. A paper on OBB trees is available for download.


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 6 - V-Collide Browse Website open in new window
A collision detection library for general polygon soups. Combines I_COLLIDE's "sweep and prune" algorithm with RAPID. Source available for noncommercial use.


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