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 Computers » Programming » Education

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Computer programming tips, tricks, hints and Secrets for programmers, by programmers.


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 22 - Intertech Inc. Browse Website open in new window
A site dedicated to Java and Microsoft hands-on developer training.


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 23 - The Perfect App Browse Website open in new window
Rules and guidelines for creating the perfect app. Examples included.


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 24 - Bubble media Browse Website open in new window
Contains articles, tutorials and tips on a range of technical subjects from programming in java, C#, .NET to linux and open source initiatives.


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A programming environment designed to help teach beginners and children how to program.


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Online and in person training in all aspects of IBM mainframe operation including JCL, Assembler and REXX.


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Programming assignments completed quickly by an expert programmer for a fee.


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Offers Microsoft.NET Framework, Visual Basic.NET, ASP.NET, C#.NET, XML, .NET Server, and ADO.NET training courses via multimedia CD-ROM and video.


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 29 - Steve's World Browse Website open in new window
Free programming tools and Linux information.


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 30 - GAR Technologies Browse Website open in new window
Hands on, instructor led training programs for Java, Visual Basic, ASP, Web Developer and Oracle DBA.


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