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 Computers » Programming » Development Tools

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Provide expert system development toolkits, and report production and printing tools, data migration solutions.


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 32 - Pixieware Browse Website open in new window
Offers Pixieware software products, tools which can transform application software running on Pick-like (D3, Universe)and other TCP/IP capable databases.


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International software reseller providing a range of components, tools and services marketed toward the professional software developer.


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Offers software products to improve use of AllFusion Harvest include Harvester reporter, HarvestFindÒ search tool, as well as PowerGen and HarPB products for PowerBuilder.


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 35 - GenerExe's XPad Browse Website open in new window
Allowing to visually design, program, simulate, document and compile native code for plug-in targets, including the PIC16F84, 68HC11 and PalmOs platforms.


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 36 - Jargon Software Browse Website open in new window
Provides software tools for development and deployment of thin-client wireless and desktop PC Internet business and e-commerce applications.


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TWAIN toolkits, drivers, utilities and application development tools, and demo software.


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 38 - DevFilesLand Browse Website open in new window
Directory of freeware and shareware products for software developers.


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