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 Computers » Programming » Component Frameworks » NET » Personal Pages


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 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   36

 1 - ScottGu's Blog Browse Website open in new window
Scott Guthrie works for Microsoft as the Product Manager of the .NET Framework


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 2 - ComputerZen.com Browse Website open in new window
The Zen of XML and .NET written by a MSDN Regional Director. Muses on design patterns and software architecture and development.


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.NET programming from a human factors perspective: thoughts on software usability and effective team development.


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 4 - Cook Computing Browse Website open in new window
Developer weblog mainly focused on .NET and XML-RPC.


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 5 - The Moth Browse Website open in new window
Developer at Microsoft Working on .NET


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 6 - Kevin Harder Browse Website open in new window
News and thoughts about .NET development, ASP.NET, and Community Server.


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Weblog, book of week, artcicles. Links.


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Omar blogs on rare topics about ASP.NET AJAX, cutting edge .NET 3.5 technologies and stories from trenches about production nightmares and challenges


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.NET and C# utilities and samples with source code, representing a focus on lower-level, grungy aspects of the CLR.


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 10 - aspZone.com Browse Website open in new window
A weblog with book reviewes, .Net/ASP.Net programming, flying. .Net, ASP.Net, C# related articles.


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