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 Computers » Programming » Component Frameworks » CORBA » Articles

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Explains the Dynamic Any, which is the standard facility for manipulating values of constructed types within Dynamic CORBA applications.


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Takes a look at the relationship between XML and CORBA and explores the topic of versioning.


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This article explains how to simulate the pass-by-value strategy in CORBA 2.2 using Java so that a client virtual machine can locally invoke methods implemented.


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This paper discusses the implementation of CASCADE, a distributed caching service for CORBA objects.


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Takes a look at how to extend the functionality of an open-source program without actually changing the source code.


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Compares SOAP and IIOP and then concludes that Web services and CORBA are not rivals, but instead are complementary.


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Introduces caching solutions for improving availability and predictability of distributed services. Cascade (caching service for CORBA distributed objects) facilitates scalable application design by building cache hierarchies for the objects it manages.


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Describes how middleware is evolving to support distributed real-time and embedded systems. Focuses on real-time CORBA.


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Load balancing helps improve system scalability by ensuring that client application requests are distributed and processed equitably across a group of servers. Likewise, it helps improve system dependability by adapting dynamically to system configura...


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Presents the CORBA DSI (Dynamic Skeleton Interface), which is the server-side counterpart of the CORBA Dynamic Invocation Interface.


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