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 Computers » Programming » Component Frameworks » COM » Components » Windows User Interface » Resizers

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A set of ActiveX controls which let you determine how various controls adjust to a change in form size in your Visual Basic programs. [Control, Commercial]


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 2 - ResizeXtra Browse Website open in new window
Intelligent control resizing with no programming. Go beyond proportional resizers and take control of the way forms resize. Works with normal, MDI and MDI child forms.


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 3 - Resizer XT Browse Website open in new window
Automatically resizes the controls on VB forms. Add proportional or advanced smart resizing and anchoring without code. Individually adjust size and position of each control.


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 4 - SplitBar XT Browse Website open in new window
Add hotizontal and vertical split bars, multiple panes and auto resize without code. Individually adjust the size and position of each control. Fully customizable.


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 5 - THBResize Browse Website open in new window
Automatically resizes controls on the form when the user resizes it to make your forms resolution independent. Ability to include and exclude specific controls. By THBComponentware. [Commercial]


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 6 - Klik! SizeLib Browse Website open in new window
Add resizing ability to controls and forms will never forget their last size and positions and also automaticly will adjust themselves when the screen resolution changes.


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Allows to resize controls in a form proportionally or maintain the components' anchored sizes and positions. [Control, Commercial]


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