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 Computers » Programming » Component Frameworks » COM » Components » Software Protection

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Concept Software offers ActiveX based software licensing toolkits that provide copy and network protection tools for software piracy, demo creation, trialware, and e-commerce.


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Allows custom Win32 applications to expand control over the Windows environment by adding the ability to filter out any keystroke or combination keystroke including PrintScreen, Alt+Tab, Alt+F4, Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Alt+Del, Alt+Esc, and Ctrl+F4, on all ver...


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Concept Software offers Protection PLUS, a software licensing toolkit that provides copy and network protection tools for software piracy and demo creation/trialware, as well as SoftwareKey SOLO e-commerce technology. By Concept Software.


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 4 - ActiveLock Browse Website open in new window
A control that can be used to protect programs against piracy. Supports locking program features that can only be unlocked via registration. By Nelson Ferraz. [Control, Open source]


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ActiveX (OCX) control. The Sheriff Software Development Kit provides software developers with secure copy protection. Free evaluation copy available.


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 6 - Crypto++ SDK Browse Website open in new window
A software copy protection and licensing package. By Sampson Multimedia. [Control, Commercial]


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 7 - ShareBlock Browse Website open in new window
A multiple user licencing management ActiveX control. By CBitSoft.


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