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 Computers » Parallel Computing » Vendors


Beowulf (14)  

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Offers high performance computing software. Product information, white papers, event listings, and manuals available.


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High-performance networking for cluster communication. Sells interconnect hardware and provides open-source message passing software. Product information, benchmarks, and links to customer research projects.


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PGI is an independent supplier of high performance scalar and parallel compilers and tools for workstations, servers, and high-performance computing systems.


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Compilers and developers' tools for high performance and parallel computing.


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Scalable Coherent Interface adapter cards, bridge chips, switches, and Beowulf kits. Product information, whitepapers, benchmarks, and drivers available for download.


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Software to turn an existing network of computers into a cluster.


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Develops, markets and supports high-performance storage networking products for Intel-based server clusters.


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 8 - Brain Murmurs Browse Website open in new window
Research and development in software for parallel computers.


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SPSoft provides high-performance and high-throughput bioinformatics software solutions on general-purpose computer systems.


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PSP stands for Programs, Specifications and Proofs. The emphasis of the work of our group is to derive parallel and distributed programs in a rigorous manner.


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