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 Computers » Organizations » Student

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Hosts information about academics, internships and careers, club events, and Unix tutorials.


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The computer networking society/community in Dublin City University. Projects, academic, member websites, helpdesk, and events list, amongst others.


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Dublin University Internet Society promotes awareness of the Internet and Modern Human Communication devices, and acts as a focal point for the students of Dublin University to explore and contribute to these areas in depth.


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Organises both computer and non-computer related socials ranging from LAN parties and gaming sessions on University computers to LaserQuest and pub crawls, for University of Warwick students.


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Holds tutorials relevant to coursework and regularly has speakers from the computer industry to discuss current events in the world of technology.


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Information about the Music Society of NUI, Galway. Contains information about Star Challenge and ISMA 1999.


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Compsoc.org.uk is a cooperative venture linking computing and internet societies throughout the UK.


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 8 - TermiSoc Browse Website open in new window
University Of Plymouth Networking Society. Information about the society, details of services, and events.


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Olympos Tree Houses

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