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 Computers » Open Source » Software » Internet


Clients (26) Distributed Computing (12) Monitoring (15)
Search Engines (15) Servers (27) Web Applications (41)
Website Authoring (13)  

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ReactJS give the power to develop large web applications that use data and can change over time without reloading the page. A ReactJS key objective is to provide high speed, simplicity, and scalability. Get feature-rich and scalable enterprise application


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Technomeet is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company based IT domain. We are a total solution provider for Web Design & Development, e-Commerce, Php , Magento, Wordpress ,Joomla , Shopping Cart, Portal , Software development and Consulting Services.


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 3 - FarCry Core Browse Website open in new window
Open-source Content Management System running on ColdFusion MX platform. Support for SQL databases.


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 4 - ObjectWeb Browse Website open in new window
Software community aiming to develop component-based middleware for large scale distributed systems.


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Embedded Linux network appliance for use in small office and home automation environments; can be used as a gateway, router, firewall or in other ways. (C, C++, Shell script) [GNU/Linux]


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An Object-Oriented Network Programming Toolkit. (C++) [Many platforms]


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Tools to retrieve audit and event log information from a variety of operating systems and applications.


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 8 - IP Calculator Browse Website open in new window
Small online utility for IP address calculations including netmask, broadcast and network addresses as well as Cisco wildcard mask. (Perl)


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Establishes an encrypted, compressed tunnel for TCP/IP or UDP traffic between two systems. (C) [Unix, Windows 95/98/NT]


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 10 - Mobilemaps Browse Website open in new window
An open source search and locate engine which allows users to find Web pages by location. (C, Perl) [GNU/Linux, MacOSX, Windows]


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