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 Computers » Open Source » News and Media


Linux (110)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   23

 1 - Slashdot Browse Website open in new window
News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters.


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 2 - MozillaZine Browse Website open in new window
General information on the Open Source Netscape project.


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 3 - Freshmeat Browse Website open in new window
Daily news on the latest UNIX software releases. Local mirrors of majors packages. Past news are indexed and can be searched for keywords.


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 4 - Slashdot Browse Website open in new window
Open-source and other technology news for nerds.


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 5 - Linux.com Browse Website open in new window
News about the open source community.


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 6 - Apache Week Browse Website open in new window
A weekly e-zine focused on Apache - it includes features, reviews, and Apache jobs.


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 7 - O'Reilly OnLamp Browse Website open in new window
Provides articles on the open source LAMP web platform. Roughly defined as (but not limited to) MySQL used in conjunction with Linux, Apache, and either Perl, Python, or PHP.


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A short film featuring Stephen Fry, to introduce the idea of free software and celebrate 25 years of the GNU/Linux operating system.


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 9 - Linux Today Browse Website open in new window
News related to Open Source software and community (continuous, +email)


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Features open source books, resources, news and articles.


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