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 Computers » News and Media » Magazines and E-zines » Magazines

 Web Pages    41 - 50   of   64 Back to Magazines Home 

 41 - PC World Browse Website open in new window
Computer and Internet news and information resource. Reviews, how-to's, downloads, product and price information.


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 42 - InfoWorld Browse Website open in new window
Computer/technology business news and reviews. Companion site to Infoworld magazine.


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 43 - Information Week Browse Website open in new window
News, features and events for tech professionals. Companion site to Informationweek magazine.


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Enterprise product reviews, comparisons, analysis and advice for IT professionals.


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 45 - ComputerUser.com Browse Website open in new window
Offers daily computer articles and news, reviews, computer dictionary, ISP search, training directory, and resources.


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MicroSparc - A history of the Apple II programming magazine Nibble with issues available on CD. Covered the Apple II Plus, Apple IIe, Apple IIc and others.


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 47 - Webactive Browse Website open in new window
Guide to Web sites, plus articles, reviews, advice, competitions and forums. Companion to the UK Internet magazine.


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 48 - PC Update Browse Website open in new window
Magazine based in Melbourne written for PC users.


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The Inland Northwest's practical guide to computing effectively. Hardware, software and Internet how-to's and questions answered.


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Publisher of Cisco World, Sun Server, Unisys World, Professional Graphics World, Compaq Enterprise, and HP Chronicle magazines.


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