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 Computers » Multimedia » Software » Adobe Director


Developers (14) Lingo (6) Shockwave Demos (11)
Weblogs (5) Xtras (48)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   25

Tutorials and technotes covering the basics of Director including animation, sound, scripting, shockwave 3D and advanced Lingo.


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 2 - Director Online Browse Website open in new window
Technical tips, Lingo tutorials, news and features for Director users.


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 3 - Mediamacros Browse Website open in new window
Includes Director resource of information, including news, articles, behaviours and forums.


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 4 - Director Web Browse Website open in new window
Archive resource of tips and demos for Macromedia Director.


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Online videos on the basics of Director, Flash and Photoshop.


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 6 - Shocksites Browse Website open in new window
Site developed to help people find sites that pertain to Macromedia Director.


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Director User Group forum covering help, training, news and Director showcase.


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Director learning resources with samples, tutorials and tips and tricks.


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 9 - Farbflash Browse Website open in new window
A range of Director samples, tools, widgets. Includes shockwave 3D, Imaging Lingo and Lingo examples with downloadable source files.


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 10 - MultimediaHelp Browse Website open in new window
Free online resource for multimedia developers. Includes Director source code and behaviors, 3D objects and textures, Power Point templates, audio and buttons.


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