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 Computers » Multimedia » Music and Audio » Software » Synthesizers

 Web Pages    51 - 56   of   56 Back to Synthesizers Home 

 51 - SoftPlug Browse Website open in new window
Adventus VST synth offers leads, pads, strings, basses, organs and pianos, for live performance work or sequencing. Demo available.


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 52 - Lapjockey Browse Website open in new window
Reason ReFill suppliers.


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 53 - Sonorous codes Browse Website open in new window
Creators of Atmogen, the visual additive software synthesizer.


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 54 - Visiomedia Browse Website open in new window
Software synthesizers, music production systems, audio and video processing software.


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 55 - Grapesynth Browse Website open in new window
A software synthesizer loosely based on the CZ series synth engine.


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 56 - Toontrack Browse Website open in new window
Develops DFH Superior, a drum and percussion virtual instrument. Main features, forum and support area, audio and video demos, purchasing information.


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