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 Computers » Multimedia » Music and Audio » Software » Plug-ins

 Web Pages    21 - 30   of   35 Back to Plug-ins Home 

 21 - Kelly Industries Browse Website open in new window
PanHandler Surround Sound plug-ins for Adobe Premiere, Cubase VST, Cool Edit Pro, SAWPro and DirectX.


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Developer of the BeatModel T1 Plug-in Pack DirectX audio processing plug-ins.


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 23 - Nomad Factory Browse Website open in new window
Plug-ins for Cubase, Nuendo, Logic audio, Peak, Deck, sonicWORX, Spark and MOTU.


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A Stereo 6 Band VST compressor plug-in from DyVision Works Software.


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 25 - Silverspike Browse Website open in new window
Includes R2, TapeIt, Reverb.it, RubyTube. Free and commercial VST plug-ins.


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Creators of PhatBuzz: A mastering-plugin for enhancing bass frequencies after limiting-stage without clipping.


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Works with Pro Tools to speed loading and apply plug-in configurations. By About Right Ltd.


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 28 - Nay-seven Browse Website open in new window
Vst MIDI controller for the Korg ES-1. Offers a tuner for each pad, channel change, and editable labels for each controller.


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 29 - FX Freeze Browse Website open in new window
Control and optimize CPU usage while working with VST instruments or effects. Screenshots, forum, support area.


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Pitch-augmentation, sympathetic drones, voice disguisers, robot voices and talking instruments.


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