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 Computers » Multimedia » Music and Audio » Software » Players


Augmenters (2) MP3 (23) Windows Shareware (12)

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   21

Provides free Winamp player download, community skins and plug-ins, free on-demand audio, video/film, and games.


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 2 - Foobar2000 Browse Website open in new window
Multi-format audio player for Windows, low resource usage, features include playback from archives.


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Windows music player supporting MP3 and many tracker formats.


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Free CD audio player for UNIX and OpenVMS that can query the CDDB over the Internet.


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Plug-ins to improve the sound quality of many players.


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Player that also gives dynamic visual expression to music by displaying graphics.


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 7 - SoundSpectrum Browse Website open in new window
Music visualization software in the form of media player plug-ins and standalone products. G-Force, WhiteCap, Darkroom. Free trial versions.


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Old school including Amiga, Atari, and C64 tunes played directly from the site. Web radio options, old school community.


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 9 - Synaesthesia Browse Website open in new window
CD player that also represents music graphically in real time as changing field of fog and glowing lines.


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 10 - Sound Cue System Browse Website open in new window
Designed for running sound cues and sound effects for live theatre productions.


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