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 Computers » Multimedia » Demoscene


Amiga (41) Amstrad (1) Atari (2)
Commodore 64 (34) Groups (3) Linux (5)
MSX (2) Music (5) Parties (14)
PC (41) Programming (1) RISC OS (5)
Sinclair ZX Spectrum (14)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   10

Demos are cool. They exist to move you, just as any other art form moves you. But demos are built by programmers, artists, and composers who live and breathe technology. [Gamasutra]


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 2 - Scene.org Browse Website open in new window
A site dedicated to the demoscene. At the moment it's oriented in demoscene productions, but promises to provide news, articles, interviews with demoscene people and up-to-date information about upcoming demoparties.


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Multi-platform database of news, groups and productions. Register here and get your own avatar and the chance to appear in a chart table which rewards uploading and commenting others' work. Nice, cute design.


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Encylopedia article, including history, development, and impacts.


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 5 - Slengpung Browse Website open in new window
The scene photo gallery.


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An introduction to world of computer demos with pictures and links to further information, albeit partly biased towards the Atari ST scene.


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 7 - Defacto 2 Browse Website open in new window
Portal for the underground scene, covering all areas from gaming through emulation to arts. Included is a search engine, a scene portal, international news, a translator and hosted pages.


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Description of what demos are, some common effects, who makes demos. Available in English and French.


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A paper that reports on a study undertaken into vernacular forms of multimedia production referred to as "demos" or "intros" and variants of these terms among adherents of a computer oriented subculture identifying itself as "the scene".


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 10 - dEUS Demogroup Browse Website open in new window
Official site of dEUS, the Greek demogroup, includes a member list, history, and productions.


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