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 Computers » Mobile Computing » Wireless Data » WAP » Services

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 11 - Mobilemo Browse Website open in new window
Provides tools for creating personal or business WAP sites. Encourages user-interactivity through WAP polls, forms, file sharing, and other interactive WAP features.


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 12 - Minifile Browse Website open in new window
Provides access to contact information from a WAP device.


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 13 - File Save As Browse Website open in new window
Provides WAP configuration, information, reviews and discussion forum on mobile devices.


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 14 - Wapcardz Browse Website open in new window
Provides a service to send greeting cards from WAP devices.


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 15 - Click4WAP Browse Website open in new window
Access to the World's top Wap applications all from one easy to navigate wapsite.


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Adventure games for WAP-enabled mobile phones.


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Mbango enables individuals and businesses to build and manage your own wap site in an instant


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This is an American university in Madrid, Spain that provide course information for WAP devices. [Need WAP browser to view site]


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Provides single and multiplayer adventure games for use on WAP mobile phones. {WAP access url is: wap.useeverything.com]


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 20 - O2 myWAP Browse Website open in new window
Facility for creating WAP homepages without requiring coding skills.


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