The November issue of the Somos Primos web newsletter reports on a Gala held in honor of Bernardo Galvez. This living history and music event, in Oct 2003, included more than a dozen Spanish Colonial historical interpreters. This was also the inaugura...
This sub-site contains information and pictures from the DeSoto 2000 historical interpretive event held September 2000 in Parkin, AK. The pages are part of the Mississippi Valley Educational Project website.
This event, celebrating the history of the Tijuana Estuary, which occurred in Tijuana, Imperial Beach, San Diego and Tecate, was reported on by the Eagle Beach Times.
This is the announcement page for the dedication ceremony for the San Diego Presidio site by the San Diego Chapter of the California SAR. It also contains reference material on the San Diego Presidio site history.
This event is held twice a year at NHP: Mision San Jose de Tumacacori. Interpretive dress is a requirement to attend the mass itself, and there are clothing suggestions to assist new reenactors. You can usually meet Capitan Anza there (Don Garate) as ...