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 Computers » Internet » Web Design and Development » Web Usability

 Web Pages    61 - 70   of   91 Back to Web Usability Home 

These tips are provided to help you improve the interaction between humans and computers in your web design.


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Essential information about human interface design and usability for applications and applets written in the Java programming language.


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Tips from George Prociuk.


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 64 - Stevesdomain.net Browse Website open in new window
Focuses on furthering the education of web related topics, including web design and navigation tips, advice and techniques.


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 65 - Usable Webs Browse Website open in new window
Information on basic web usability principles, including hints on helping search engines find your site. Web usability assessments and content development are available.


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Ilise Benun elaborates on the principles of consistency, interaction, instruction, choices and control. (Publish.com)


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Eric Schaffer of Human Factors International describes the result of his experiences of working Eric working on over 150 user interface standardization projects.


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List of design issues that pollute an overall impression of trustworthiness and dependability.


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"Designing for Ease Use", Article written by Corporate Solutions Consulting (UK)on usability engineering.


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 70 - Usefo.com Browse Website open in new window
Web design resources, Usableword newsletter, and web usability guidelines to make web sites faster, more educational, and usable.


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