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 Computers » Internet » Web Design and Development » Accessibility

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 21 - All About Access Browse Website open in new window
A weblog about web accessibility and issues involving access technology at large, including but not limited to screen readers, operating systems and productivity software.


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A non-profit association of web designers and advocates of web accessibility based in the Philippines. Membership information, resources, and frequently asked questions.


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Technical Reference guide in support of USPS AS-508, detailing techniques and technical approaches to Section 508 and accessibility.


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Explains the requirements of Section 508 and sets forth, in broad outline, the Postal Service's policies on how to comply with them.


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Article by Matt Bailey. Designers of web sites that are not accessible to disabled users are overlooking a market segment of millions of searchers and potential buyers.


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Campaign for a Non-Browser Specific WWW. Resources, more information and links about this effort.


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Discussion forum regarding site building, news, and legal issues relating to accessibility.


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Weblog about web standards, accessibility and usability.


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Providing online disability awareness training.


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Accessites.org article by Jack Pickard, providing a review of the latest changes to the working draft.


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