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 Computers » Internet » Training

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Aimed at the large population of older Americans who cannot afford or choose not to enroll in computer training or Internet training.


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Computer training materials, newsgroups, vendor lists, references, and resources. Over 210 titles.


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New York computer training and career center, teaching over 24, 000 students per year. Serves individuals, businesses, and government agencies.


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 14 - CompuTrain Browse Website open in new window
Offers instructor-led computer software training which is highly customized to meet your company's specific needs. Member of the Microsoft Solution Provider (MCSP) program. Houston, Texas.


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Offers corporate training on an list of internet, web development, and web programming topics.


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ITrain is an international association of computer training providers and those who support the trainer by providing specialty products and services. Provides seminars and conferences for IT trainers.


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 17 - Knowledge Quest Browse Website open in new window
Providers of Web-based software training products and authoring tools. Products covering the popular desktop application and IT subjects.


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 18 - Interactive Fun Browse Website open in new window
Providing training for multimedia and internet professionals. Applications covered include Photoshop, Freehand, Flash, Fireworks, ColdFusion and Dreamweaver.


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 19 - OOIT.com Browse Website open in new window
Zurich (Switzerland) based company which provides Training, Coaching, Consulting and Development for the Internet in English or German. Several European offices.


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 20 - The Web Academy Browse Website open in new window
Provides online classes and offline training courses for Web developers in design, HTML, JavaScript, DHTML, XML and XSL.


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