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 Computers » Internet » Searching

 Web Pages    21 - 25   of   25 Back to Searching Home 

 21 - Aleph Search Browse Website open in new window
A directory of directories. Links to selected information rich web resources, both unspecialised and specialised, with a strong emphasis on United Kingdom based sites.


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 22 - Age of Dot Com Browse Website open in new window
Links to search resources including start pages, integrated search forms, portals, engines, guides, and directories. Offers both a simple links page and a directory with descriptions and ratings.


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 23 - Fetchfido Browse Website open in new window
A graphical interface of links to search engines. Multi-layered, with universal, United Kingdom, United States, European and worldwide sections.


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An essay by John Hubbard analyzing the question of what is the best way to index the Internet, with references.


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A directory of search engines and directories worldwide, organized by geographical area and subject, includes articles on site submission, marketing, and optimization.


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