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 Computers » Internet » Searching » FAQs, Help, and Tutorials

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How to find information on the Internet and beyond. Covers theory in great detail.


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An Internet guide for journalists. Created for those who want to have a better understanding of the Internet and its potential as a journalistic research tool.


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 13 - Web Search Guide Browse Website open in new window
Gwen Harris explains web searching, strategies and tools from a Canadian perspective. Includes also Internet Explorer (5.0-5.5) basics, e-mail communication, and discussion groups.


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An extract from Niall Ó Dochartaigh, The Internet Research Handbook: A Practical Guide for Students and Researchers in the Social Sciences (2002).


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Curt Franklin's article explains in detail how search engines work. It includes a diagram of the indexing process.


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Learn how to conduct your own people search and background checks.


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Charles Harris explains how to find information, people, and pictures on the Net and gives hints on evaluating the reliability of Web-based sources.


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Introduces various resources for Web searching from Ric Shreves.


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 19 - Searchingspot Browse Website open in new window
Describes how to use search engines, directories and newsgroups, covering simple and advanced techniques. Includes a search engine control features chart.


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 20 - Search Easy Browse Website open in new window
Summary of indexing techniques and drawbacks of various search engines and how to perform effective searches tips.


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