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 Computers » Internet » Searching » Directories » Open Directory Project » News and Media » 2000

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Chris Sherman writes about the history of the Open Directory Project, discussing ODP editors, quality control and the rapid growth since its launch.


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Mark Durham discusses the creation of the Google Directory and explains how they've integrated ODP data.


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Chris Sherman writes about the hybrid directory launched by Google that combines their search technology with ODP listings. Article mentions Google also provides links to relevant directory categories in its primary search service.


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Danny Sullivan writes about the launch of the Google Directory, which is using ODP data, and how they incorporate it into their search results.


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Andy Patrizio writes about the launch of WetBrain.com and the technology they built using Open Directory Project data.


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Jeffrey O'Brien briefly discusses Netscape's Open Directory Project.


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Adam Kuether questions ODP's relationship with Time Warner/AOL.


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Article compares leading search engines, directories, and utilities. Mentions the Open Directory Project as the web's largest directory with around 2 million sites indexed.


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Article discusses ODP nearly overtaking Yahoo with regards to number of sites indexed. Comments on the topic are posted from various users.


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Denise Caruso writes about AOL's proposed purchase of Time Warner and what the two traditional media giants will do with the Open Directory Project.


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