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 Computers » Internet » Routers and Routing » Internet Exchanges » Africa

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JINX / CINX are operated by The Internet Service Providers Association (ISPA) of South Africa.


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Internet eXchange Point in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Connection local ISPs and routing local internet traffic locally. Run by ISP Association.


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A neutral, not-for-profit partnership between Internet Service Providers globally, Moz-Ix provides a physical interconnection for its members to exchange Internet traffic through co-operative peering agreements.


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The Uganda Internet Exchange Point - UiXP - is an initiative of stake holders of Uganda's local Internet community who share a common goal for a robust, fast and stable local Internet Backbone.


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Overview with short presentation.


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The Ghana Internet Exchange is a project that links ISPs and NSPs in the Greater Accra area to an Internet Exchange Point.


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Local and regional peering point to localize the Internet traffic for ISPs in Egypt, as well as regional traffic for Middle East data carriers. Located at the ECC Data Center in Cairo.


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Olympos Tree Houses

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