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 Computers » Internet » RFCs » 2701 - 2800

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 61 - RFC 2741 Browse Website open in new window
Agent Extensibility (AgentX) Protocol Version 1. M. Daniele, B. Wijnen, M. Ellison, D. Francisco. January 2000.


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 62 - RFC 2713 Browse Website open in new window
Schema for Representing Java(tm) Objects in an LDAP Directory. V. Ryan, S. Seligman, R. Lee. October 1999.


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 63 - RFC 2737 Browse Website open in new window
Entity MIB (Version 2). K. McCloghrie, A. Bierman. December 1999.


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 64 - RFC 2791 Browse Website open in new window
Scalable Routing Design Principles. J. Yu. July 2000.


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 65 - RFC 2701 Browse Website open in new window
Nortel Networks Multi-Link Multi-Node PPP Bundle Discovery Protocol. G. Malkin. September 1999.


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 66 - RFC 2767 Browse Website open in new window
Dual Stack Hosts Using the "Bump-In-the-Stack" Technique (BIS). K. Tsuchiya, H. Higuchi, Y. Atarashi. February 2000.


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 67 - RFC 2725 Browse Website open in new window
Routing Policy System Security. C. Villamizar, C. Alaettinoglu, D. Meyer, S. Murphy. December 1999.


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 68 - RFC 2751 Browse Website open in new window
Signaled Preemption Priority Policy Element. S. Herzog. January 2000.


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 69 - RFC 2738 Browse Website open in new window
Corrections to "A Syntax for Describing Media Feature Sets". G. Klyne. December 1999.


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 70 - RFC 2720 Browse Website open in new window
Traffic Flow Measurement: Meter MIB. N. Brownlee. October 1999.


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