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 Computers » Internet » RFCs » 2501 - 2600

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 61 - RFC 2504 Browse Website open in new window
Users' Security Handbook. E. Guttman, L. Leong, G. Malkin. February 1999.


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 62 - RFC 2541 Browse Website open in new window
DNS Security Operational Considerations. D. Eastlake. March 1999.


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 63 - RFC 2546 Browse Website open in new window
6Bone Routing Practice. A. Durand, B. Buclin. March 1999.


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 64 - RFC 2558 Browse Website open in new window
Definitions of Managed Objects for the SONET/SDH Interface Type. K. Tesink. March 1999.


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 65 - RFC 2551 Browse Website open in new window
The Roman Standards Process -- Revision III. S. Bradner. April 1999.


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 66 - RFC 2591 Browse Website open in new window
Definitions of Managed Objects for Scheduling Management Operations. D. Levi, J. Schoenwaelder. May 1999.


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 67 - RFC 2519 Browse Website open in new window
A Framework for Inter-Domain Route Aggregation. E. Chen, J. Stewart. February 1999.


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 68 - RFC 2563 Browse Website open in new window
DHCP Option to Disable Stateless Auto-Configuration in IPv4 Clients. R. Troll. May 1999.


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 69 - RFC 2552 Browse Website open in new window
Architecture for the Information Brokerage in the ACTS Project. GAIA M. Blinov, M. Bessonov, C. Clissmann. April 1999.


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 70 - RFC 2569 Browse Website open in new window
Mapping between LPD and IPP Protocols. R. Herriot, Ed., T. Hastings, N. Jacobs, J. Martin. April 1999.


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