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 Computers » Internet » RFCs » 2401 - 2500

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 51 - RFC 2472 Browse Website open in new window
IP Version 6 over PPP. D. Haskin, E. Allen. December 1998.


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 52 - RFC 2439 Browse Website open in new window
BGP Route Flap Damping. C. Villamizar, R. Chandra, R. Govindan. November 1998.


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 53 - RFC 2465 Browse Website open in new window
Management Information Base for IP Version 6: Textual Conventions and General Group. D. Haskin, S. Onishi. December 1998.


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 54 - RFC 2419 Browse Website open in new window
The PPP DES Encryption Protocol, Version 2 (DESE-bis). K. Sklower, G. Meyer. September 1998.


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 55 - RFC 2484 Browse Website open in new window
PPP LCP Internationalization Configuration Option. G. Zorn. January 1999.


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 56 - RFC 2420 Browse Website open in new window
The PPP Triple-DES Encryption Protocol (3DESE). H. Kummert. September 1998.


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 57 - RFC 2481 Browse Website open in new window
A Proposal to Add Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP. K. Ramakrishnan, S. Floyd. January 1999.


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 58 - RFC 2423 Browse Website open in new window
VPIM Voice Message MIME Sub-Type Registration. G. Vaudreuil, G. Parsons. September 1998.


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 59 - RFC 2444 Browse Website open in new window
The One-Time-Password SASL Mechanism. C. Newman. October 1998.


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 60 - RFC 2429 Browse Website open in new window
RTP Payload Format for the 1998 Version of ITU-T Rec. H.263 Video (H.263+). C. Bormann, L. Cline, G. Deisher, et al. October 1998.


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