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 Computers » Internet » RFCs » 1601 - 1700

 Web Pages    81 - 90   of   100 Back to 1601 - 1700 Home 

 81 - RFC 1634 Browse Website open in new window
Novell IPX over Various WAN Media (IPXWAN). M. Allen. May 1994.


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 82 - RFC 1612 Browse Website open in new window
DNS Resolver MIB Extensions. R. Austein, J. Saperia. May 1994.


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 83 - RFC 1609 Browse Website open in new window
Charting Networks in the X.500 Directory. G. Mansfield, T. Johannsen, M. Knopper. March 1994.


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 84 - RFC 1646 Browse Website open in new window
TN3270 Extensions for LUname and Printer Selection. C. Graves, T. Butts, M. Angel. July 1994.


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 85 - RFC 1622 Browse Website open in new window
Pip Header Processing. P. Francis. May 1994.


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 86 - RFC 1623 Browse Website open in new window
Definitions of Managed Objects for the Ethernet-Like Interface Types. F. Kastenholz. May 1994.


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 87 - RFC 1691 Browse Website open in new window
The Document Architecture for the Cornell Digital Library. W. Turner. August 1994.


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 88 - RFC 1690 Browse Website open in new window
Introducing the Internet Engineering and Planning Group (IEPG). G. Huston. August 1994.


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 89 - RFC 1604 Browse Website open in new window
Definitions of Managed Objects for Frame Relay Service. T. Brown, Editor. March 1994.


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 90 - RFC 1648 Browse Website open in new window
Postmaster Convention for X.400 Operations. A. Cargille. July 1994.


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